The Power of Going: Sharing the Gospel and Making Disciples

The Great Commission
The Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:16-20, is a call for believers to go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus instructs his followers to spread the gospel and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This commandment applies to all believers, not just church leaders or select individuals. But how do we effectively carry out the Great Commission and share the gospel with others? In this blog, we will explore three key ways to fulfill the call to go and make disciples.

Follow Jesus' Example
Jesus is the perfect example of how to make disciples. In John 1:43-46, we see Jesus calling Philip to follow him. Philip, in turn, invites Nathanael to come and see Jesus. Jesus' simple invitation of "come and see" is echoed by Philip, and Nathanael eventually becomes a disciple. By following Jesus' example, we can simply invite others to encounter Jesus and see for themselves the power of his love and grace. By imitating Jesus' actions and words, we can effectively share the gospel and make disciples.

Increase in Spiritual Gifts
Another important aspect of fulfilling the Great Commission is increasing in our spiritual gifts. In 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Paul urges believers not to be ignorant of spiritual gifts. These gifts, given by the Holy Spirit, equip us to fulfill our purpose and effectively share the gospel with others. Each believer has different gifts, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophecy, discernment, and speaking in tongues. As we seek to grow in these gifts, we become more effective witnesses for Christ. By operating in our spiritual gifts, we can impact others and draw them closer to Jesus.

Share the Word of the Lord
Acts 19:10 tells us that the word of the Lord spread throughout Asia for two years. Through the disciples' obedience to the Great Commission, the gospel reached both Jews and Greeks. By sharing the word of the Lord, believers can have a profound impact on their communities and beyond. When we boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, lives are transformed, and people are drawn to the truth. As we continue to share the word of the Lord, we can see the power of God at work, just as the early disciples did. In conclusion, fulfilling the Great Commission requires us to follow Jesus' example, increase in our spiritual gifts, and share the word of the Lord. As we go and make disciples, we can have a lasting impact on the world around us. Let us embrace the call to go and share the gospel, knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

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