The Triumphal Entry: A Celebration of Victory

The Triumphal Entry is a significant event in the Christian faith that marks the beginning of Holy Week, leading up to Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, with crowds laying down palm branches and shouting praises. But the Triumphal Entry is more than just a parade or celebration. It sets into motion a series of events that culminate in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, ultimately bringing victory and hope to believers.

The Aroma of Triumph
In 2 Corinthians 2:14-17, the apostle Paul speaks of believers as being the "sweet fragrance of Christ." Just as the aroma of the Roman triumphal parade could be a smell of victory or defeat depending on one's perspective, our lives as Christians also emit an aroma that can either attract or repel others. When we have a genuine relationship with Jesus, our lives exude the sweet aroma of the gospel. Our words and actions should reflect the love, grace, and victory that we have in Christ. However, this aroma may offend those who are hostile to the gospel or uncomfortable with the transformation it brings. But that should not deter us from shining the light of Christ and being a sweet fragrance to those who are receptive.

A Triumphal Entry into Life
Just as Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we too can experience triumph in our lives. Our triumphs may look different from one another, but they are victories nonetheless. Whether it is overcoming personal struggles, finding strength in difficult times, or experiencing God's faithfulness, we all have triumphs to celebrate. It is important to remember that our triumphs are not achieved by our own strength or abilities, but by the power of God. As Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 3:4-6, our sufficiency comes from God alone. He is the source of our triumph and victory.

Celebrating Triumph
As Easter approaches, we have multiple opportunities to celebrate the triumph of Jesus and the victory we have in Him. This includes a Night of Worship on Friday, where we gather to praise and worship God, acknowledging His triumph over sin and death. We also have a special Easter Jam presentation on Sunday, where we celebrate Jesus' resurrection with music, drama, and a message of hope. After the service, there will be a time of fellowship with food and activities for children, including an egg hunt. Additionally, we invite those who are 55 and older to participate in a senior egg hunt, where they can enjoy friendly competition and fellowship.

The Triumphal Entry is not just a historical event to be remembered; it is a reminder of the victory and triumph we have in Jesus. As we celebrate Easter and reflect on His resurrection, let us be mindful of the sweet aroma of the gospel that should emanate from our lives. May we be a fragrance of Christ in this world, attracting others to the hope and victory found in Him. And may we continually rejoice in the triumphs and victories God has brought into our lives. As we embark on this Easter season, let us remember that our triumphs are not limited to a single day or event; they are ongoing as we walk with the Risen King.

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